Climbing the Red Rocks in Las Vegas


So... here we are.. John, Anna, Winter, Young, and Marelyne.. at the Red Rocks, Las Vegas.
Thanks to Young, who cut his finger days before coming to Vegas, we can only attempt easy routes.

We climb the Tuna and Chips Wall.. Yeah we're cool.
After doing some prepping (), John took the lead placing the pros ().
Anna cleaned going up second () followed by Winter which is his first time climbing the natural rocks (). Young struggled the 5.3 wall (what a wimp) blaming his injured finger ().

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Marelyne was nice enough to take these butt shots for us.
It was an easy descent (), and since we had some time left we tried the slab.
Anna (), Winter (), John ().
Of course John tried to look kewl but he failed ().

To make the long story short, we made it in one piece. (From left to right - Winter, Marelyne, Anna, John)

John, Anna, and Winter reflecting on their adventure.

Oh what a long day it must've been.

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